We’ve made donating to Southern Hills easier than ever.
Online Giving
In just a few steps, you can make a one-time contribution or set up recurring giving.
Donate Through PayPal
We've just launched giving through the PayPal platform. You can give through the PayPal platform, but be aware of higher processing fees.
Download The SoHills App
Take giving with you on the go.
Stock Contributions
You can donate stock to City Station through the Community Foundation of West Georgia. Give them a call today to get started!
Manage Your Automated Giving
Thank you for automating your giving and having a plan to honor God in your finances. Visit your PushPay account to make updates to your giving.
If you don't have a PushPay account and need to update your recurring giving, please email Corey Jones at cjones@sohillscc.com.
Giving By Check Or Bank Bill Pay
Make checks payable to Southern Hills Church. Our mailing address is:
Southern Hills, the Church at City Station
2115 Maple Street
Carrollton, GA 30117
Planned Gifts
You can leave a financial legacy for Southern Hills Ministries through a variety of planned gifts. For more information please contact Corey Jones at cjones@sohillscc.com.