Join a class where you can meet other Christ followers while you learn about who God is.
Does God Have A Future?
for men only
2nd & 4th Tuesdays, January 14 - May 13
6:30am - 7:30am
City Station Meeting Room 8 (Fishbowl) (map)
Cost: $20 (breakfast provided)
Led by Ron Boswell
Join us for a conversation on God's divine providence. Often the nature of God's knowledge of the future sparks debate and controversy, but in this book, “Does God Have a Future?”, we see a friendly, yet penetrating email exchange between two opposing sides. Hall and Sanders, who authored the book, published their ongoing dialogue because of their belief that evangelicals must learn to disagree without becoming divisive. If you are interested in a serious, balanced presentation of the openness debate, without unfair caricatures, we invite you!
If you have any questions or would like more information, please email Ron Boswell at rboswell@sohillscc.com.
Join anytime.
Wednesday Night Bible Study
6:45pm - 8:00pm
City Station Office Classroom (map)
Cost: FREE
Led by Brent Heidorn
Childcare provided for birth - 5th graders. Childcare must be requested 7 days in advance.
If you have any questions or would like more information, please email Brent Heidorn at bheidorn@westga.edu.
Join anytime.
Women’s Bible Study
for women only
6:30pm - 8:00pm
Stewart House Chapel (map)
Cost: FREE
Led by Melissa Newbern
Join us every Wednesday as we study God’s word together.
If you would like more information or would like to RSVP, please email Melissa at mnewbern@bellsouth.net.
Join anytime.

Want to participate in a class, but unable to afford it?
Email Alicia McCamy at amccamy@sohillscc.com.