We know that things are hard right now. We want to help, but we want to help in the right way. If you need assistance, please call the church office at (770) 832-1446 for more information on how we can help.
If you are without a job, call us at (770) 832-1446. We have a list of job opportunities in the our area that we would love to share with you.
Open Hands United Christian Ministry
Open Hands United Christian Ministry is a collaborative effort by member churches to better coordinate and enhance the effectiveness of the benevolence ministries of those involved. Open Hands focuses on providing assistance to those in need who reside within Carroll County, Georgia. Churches that commit to partner in this ministry provide prayer support, volunteers, and financial support. Open Hands is a partner agency of the Atlanta Community Food Bank.
Available services include:
Bibles and Prayer Support
Food Assistance
Reading Glasses
Personal Care Items
Financial Assistance for housing & utilities